Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First School Days for A & Z...

Ava's First Day of Kindergarten
 These last couple weeks have been pretty busy! Ava and Zack have both started school!

At "Meet the Teacher", Ava quickly learned to love her teacher because of a certain treasure chest... The teacher explained her reward system to us that includes selecting a prize! What 5 year old wouldn't go for that? She even let the students pick something out to take home right then! That is what won Ava over, replacing her nervousness with excitement!

The first day of school, Ava woke up eagerly, which is very strange for her. She usually acts like a teenager...growling, pulling the blanket over her head...but not this morning. She put on her brand new, carefully selected outfit and after eating her Apple Jacks, announced she was ready to take pictures. She is very prone to super cheesy grins from the "Do I have to?" variety...Not this morning. She told me, "Mom, I know how important these pictures are to you. I'm going to take really good pictures for you!" That melted my heart...

After hamming it up for the camera, it was time to go. We parked and walked up to the school which had bubble machines blowing and Mandisa's "Good Morning" blasting on repeat. Ava said, "Mom, it's really rock n' roll out here!"

Ava didn't want to hold hands down the hall to her class...She marched on like a pro in front of me and found her classroom with a happy teacher awaiting her! Momma held back tears! Zack played with the bubble machines on the way out...Good day!
Zack's First Day of Preschool
Zack started preschool and is doing great! He walked right into his classroom, ran back to Mommy for a kiss, then ran over to start playing with some legos! He only goes a couple days a week. So, needless to say, he is very much enjoying some extra "Mommy time" and freedom from the control of his older, bossy sister!

And thank you to the ladies at for giving us access to these awesome printables for the First Days of School!!!

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